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steve donovan wrote:
Hi guys,

I know this has been raised, but I seem to be following a recipe that
doesn't work ;)

Mingw can link against the msvcrt80.dll runtime shipped with
LuaBinaries by using -lmsvcr80. That's fine, and something like lfs
compiles. dumpbin tells me that luaopen_lfs is indeed exported, but I
get 'the specified procedure could not be found', which seems to
indicate that it could not find luaopen_lfs, or had some obscure
problem with it.

When dealing with that kind of problems, the first thing I do is to first check the module dependencies, using Dependency Walker:

If dependencies are ok, then I run the failing test case with Process Monitor running on the background:

With Process Monitor, you'll get a trace of system activity (process and threads creation / destruction, disk access, registry access, etc) for all processes, so you'll have to filter the output.

Hope this helps

Ignacio Burgueño