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	Hi Steve

While we are on the subject of luadoc, it would be useful to be able
to document _classes_, which is the pure Lua equivalent of this
	I think Lua doesn't have _classes_: some of us fake it by
creating objects that behave like classes :-)  But maybe I am wrong...

 Of course, nobody agrees on how to declare classes in Lua
;) so it would require another tag. But then one would need an
extended hierarchy:
	I understand that another tag could be used to extend the
actual documentation, but if there is no agreement about what a class
is and how it should behave, a new tag could be used to document very
different objects...  This could be confusing, don't you think?

Another thing, it would be most cool to be able to integrate
'documentation modules' into luadoc. I'm faking it by postprocessing
the output of markdown, turning it into .luadoc format and then having
to patch the resulting html, which is less than elegant!
	I am not sure I get your point :-(
	Anyway I am more concerned in correcting the many situations
where LuaDoc does not behave like we would like it to...

I'm wondering whether there's a standard way to provide luadoc for modules
that instantiate userdata with metamethods.
	A note on Graham's question. I think it would be useful to
document the API despite its implementation details: in this case,
the object (being it a table or a userdata) offers a set of functions
(or methods) and that is what matters for a programmer which is using
your module.
