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While we are on the subject of luadoc, it would be useful to be able
to document _classes_, which is the pure Lua equivalent of this
situation.  Of course, nobody agrees on how to declare classes in Lua
;) so it would require another tag. But then one would need an
extended hierarchy:

     function ('method')

Another thing, it would be most cool to be able to integrate
'documentation modules' into luadoc. I'm faking it by postprocessing
the output of markdown, turning it into .luadoc format and then having
to patch the resulting html, which is less than elegant!

steve d.

PS. Sorry, this really should be in the luadoc mailing list, but I'm
watching so many mailing lists at the moment!

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Tomas Guisasola Gorham
<> wrote:
>        Hi Graham
>> I'm wondering whether there's a standard way to provide luadoc for modules
>> that instantiate userdata with metamethods.
>        No.
>> The luadoc guidelines only discuss table fields & global functions
>> (, but how would one document a
>> userdata, and in particular a userdata metamethod (such as file:read).
>        I don't know.
>        There are many other open issues like how would one document
> a function which returns a function with certain arguments and return
> values?  You can imagine how far we can go that way ...
>        Anyway, I would love to see some proposals!  Do you have one?
>        Regards,
>                Tomás