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Asko Kauppi <> wrote:
> This kind of breaking-the-standard-Lua extensions are suitable to
> luaSub, where each code chunk can have minor tweaks to itself,
> leaving others unaffected.

Well, I wouldn't want to diverge from standard, portable Lua for a
relatively minor convenience, nor would I want support rolled into
the core unless it had no impact on Lua's size, performance,
maintainability, etc. Unfortunately, the easy change breaks that
one construct Luiz mentioned (which isn't covered in the Lua
5.1. test suite, BTW).

> I, too, like the C string lexing, but on the other hand seem never
> to have really missed it in Lua.

I miss it every time I deal with big string literals. At least in
Lua one can use long strings, but then you're jamming everything up
against the left margin in your source. Oh well. Not a big deal.
