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On Sunday 11 February 2007, jbarciela jbarciela wrote:
> I'm not sure about how fast/scalable is Xavante, in particular if I
> want to do a lot of Ajax or Comet --
> That leaves me
> looking at lighttpd.

low-latency responses were my principal reason for writing what became 
Xavante.  the point is that even with mod_lua, the CGILua cycle starts by 
creating a new environment for each request-response.  there are 
some 'preloading cache' but i think they're not too complete.

therefore, i'd suggest you try Xavante; but write your code as 'handlers', not 
as CGILua apps.  you'll get far better performance that way.

i've tried to make handlers easy to write; but since (almost) nobody else 
bothered to try them (CGILua is far more popular), i don't know if they're 
easy to understand.

try it. if you have any doubts, i'll be glad to help.


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