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Javier wrote:
> therefore, i'd suggest you try Xavante; but write your code as 'handlers', not 
> as CGILua apps.  you'll get far better performance that way.
> i've tried to make handlers easy to write; but since (almost) nobody else 
> bothered to try them (CGILua is far more popular), i don't know if they're 
> easy to understand.

I use some handlers and they are very easy to use.

I took the cgiluahandler and customised it as far as I needed.  I
didn't really look at performance in any detail, so I drop down into
cgilua to generate my end result pages based upon some parsing of the
http line in the handler.

I think the one thing that may not be entirely obvious from the docs,
is that the handlers provided by the distro can be viewed as


r dot raschke at tombob dot com