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On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 21:53:06 -0300 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

>> Debian lists include Message-IDs in the archives, and use them for
>> referring to messages; that way you can google for them, references
>> don't become useless if the archive moves, and you can look up referenced
>> messages in your local mailboxes with a regular search.
> The raw lua-l archives contain everything, including Message-IDs.
> The lua-l archive at MARC allows you to search for Message-IDs.
> For instance, your message is
> So does the lua-l archive, though you'll have to fill the web form yourself
> and it'll only work tomorrow for your message (when the archive gets refreshed).
> But try any older message.

Don't forget about gmane.  With a decent Usenet client every
message is just some keystrokes away.
