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On Thursday 24 August 2006 10:11 am, Don Hopkins wrote:
> Idealy, OpenLaszlo output Lua byte codes directly, or output lua source
> code and let the lua compiler translate it into byte code.
> OpenLaszlo is a full-blown JavaScript compiler, that currently emits
> Flash virtual machine byte codes ("SWF" files) as its "machine language".

Lua pros:
- great language (functional, tables, no objects, etc)
- great VM

JavaScript pros:
- it's everywhere

so, if OpenLaszlo get's a Lua emitter, you get the niceties of JavaScript, and 
the ubiquity of Lua.  sure i'm not the only one that see it's backwards...

for me, the absolutely ideal thing would be a client with embedded Lua.  it 
might be a new browser, a browser module (one for firefox, other for IE, 
other for Safari...) or a new version of flash that includes the Lua VM (now 
_that_ is everywhere!)

for my current projects, i'm writing clients with LuaQt.  so far, it's going 
very well (thanks Ariel!), and hope it will be easily portable on Linux, 
windows and MacOS.

eventually, this special-purpose clients could get more generic, until the 
whole 'app' is done at the server, the same client would do anything.


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