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On Thursday 24 August 2006 9:10 am, Don Hopkins wrote:
> You can read about OpenLaszlo and Project Legals (OpenLaszlo for
> Multiple Runtimes) here:

this is a really really interesting path of current trends: to write web apps 
on a single, easy language, and get it compiled into different environments 
for web 'deploying'.

unfortunately, most of these efforts consider JavaScript a usable language.

yes, it would be absolutely wonderfull to replace JS with Lua, but compiling 
Lua into a different bytecode wouldn't be the same.  most bytecode VMs out 
there are really bad, and those that are 'good' have a totally inappropriate 
(for Lua) focus and structure.

i really don't see any way out; if we want to write client-side apps in Lua, 
we need a Lua VM in the client.

please, somebody prove me wrong...


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