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Thanks once again for detailed information. I've read up on the original package proposal in the archives.

I still am a bit stumped (recall I am new to linux *and* lua) about this:

In building luasql I am linking to the C source compat-5.1.o (built from compat-5.1.c) which provides access to a function:


However, I don't see how compat-5.1.lua is ever coming into play - where is it "required" or otherwise loaded? I edited the package.path and package.cpath in this file as you suggested, but in experiment I see that my edits don't effect the error message: thus my conclusion that compat-5.1.lua is never coming into play. I put compat-5.1.lua into /usr/share/lua50 on my system, because that is where I found compat.lua (which I presume was installed when I installed lua50/liblua50-dev/liblualib50-dev as a debian packages).

Thanks much for your help.