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Rick Burton <> wrote

> I have Dev-C MinGW 3.4.2 not the 3.4.4 version you used.
> And I do not have the time to upgrade or hunt down all the required libraries to
> compile. :(
> Could you include a lua.exe and luac.exe for Windows in future downloads?
> I think apps like this one could help get LUA in the door at many programming
> environments! But you have to "help out" the Windows people :)

I've uploaded a Win32 build of LuaJIT with MingW32 3.4.4, the same that I
used for this build of Lua-GD.  This should make the things easier for
Win32 users that don't can/want compile the interpreter. You can download
it from

Also, the Lua 5.1 binaries from LuaBinaries should work with Lua-GD.

Alexandre Erwin Ittner -
GPG pub key 0x0041A1FB from

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