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Rick Burton wrote:
> Looking at a hex dump of the GD.DLL I see a LUA51.DLL mentioned.
> But LUAJit doesn't use that!

Of course it does -- provided you compiled it according to the
instructions given in luajit_install.html. The Makefile even has
a target for compiling with MinGW ...

You should get a (small) luajit.exe and a (200K+) lua51.dll which
is link-compatible with extension modules compiled for plain Lua.

I.e. Lua-GD should work out-of-the-box with LuaJIT.

> LUAJIT   EXE       297,697  03-16-06  6:06p luajit.exe

Ummm, you compiled everything statically into one executable.
This doesn't work for Windows. C extension modules really need
the Lua or LuaJIT core to be in an extra DLL.
