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Hi Jamie,

> I dabbled with it. High-quality output, fast rendering,
> platform-independent, liberal license; all good. But it's very
> low-level and dependent on C++. I don't think you could hope to make a
> direct Lua binding for it because it makes heavy use of templates for

Yes, that's why I'm a bit reluctant to use it from Lua (so far)...

> efficiency. I'd like at some point to have a go at some higher-level
> canvas abstraction which would be more amenable to scripting and use
> Antigrain for rendering.

That would be very interesting!  Actually, it suffices if I can use
AGG to render 24-bit frame buffers (in memory) including FreeType
fonts.  I guess it should be possible to compile just those AGG
(template) structures and algorithms that support this and then make a
Lua binding.  Maybe it could be a joint effort?  Any advice you might
have on this will be greatly appreciated!
