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> Simple: I wrote my own libraries e.g. http, mime... furthermore I
> changed / enhanced the standard behaviour of "require" and some other
> keywords direct in Lua. Its a simple Lua file the interpreter starts
> first. So I don't like to end up in a mix beween two same purpose
> libraries.

You wrote your own http and mime support? May I ask why? If there is
something so bad about our implementation that you decided to
write your own, please let me know.

Why do you need LuaSocket, then? Just for SQL?

> I think it should be simple to get only the really Lua components
> (libraries) needed. Not forced to use any other component or enhance
> require only to support a socket library. I think packages conglomerates
> on this low level are the wrong way.

What do you mean by "really Lua"? LuaSocket is C+Lua. You can't really
write network code in pure Lua. Anyways, if all you need is the TCP/IP
support, you don't need to load HTTP, FTP, SMTP, MIME, etc.

> Yes. If the last way works as simple as posix library, bitlib library
> and others then it would be wonderfull. But it seems that socket library
> needs more special things here and there. Or not and I am wrong here?

LuaSocket shouldn't need anything special, except for compat-5.1. But
then, this is the standard in Lua...
