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This however doesn't help much when Lua is tightly integrated into a game,
and it is the interaction between game logic and game data you need to
debug. On the PS2 we have to use a specific debugger system to communicate,
and its not Visual C. If we could inspect lua variables/step through lua
code from that debugger, it would be workable. At the moment, it seems the
only viable debugging solution would be something which could use a simple
console output to display scripts/variables, and map the PS2 controller
input into useful functions (step over, step in, run to, etc.). That way,
the game engine can handle converting the console system into something
renderable. I could probably do it given that mythical 'spare week' ;-), but
that's unlikely to appear. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Anderberg []
Sent: 09 December 2003 11:12
To: Lua list
Subject: Re: How much lua?

Chris Chapman wrote:

>We found that the loss of debugability was a major factor in how much we
>Lua. So much so that our AI programmers gave up trying to put high level
>logic into the script and just found ways to restart/change logic faster.
If you have a step through debugger then you eliminate this problem, 
it's quite possible
to build a quick and nasty debugger for lua, or use luaPlus which has VC 
debugger intergration
as well as a stand alone debugger.