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> > Which brings me -again- back to the book...  Either Roberto will
> > educate us infinately here, or, get the book out. :) Or someone else?
> Alternatively, I'd be willing to pay for an electronic copy of the book.

The book is almost ready (as always?). I estimate one more month to
finish it all. What is missing?

* A quick explanation about tail calls ;)
* A section about using coroutines for colaborative multithreading
* A section with a larger example of a C library (it is a simple
binding to expat)
* a revision

One problem with "selling" it now is that soon it will be out-dated by
the final version. Maybe I could track buyers so they could have free

Another question: how much would be a fair price for an eletronic book?
(and unfinished! But then you could be buying in advance the final

Another question: should I put the book free and ask for donations,
instead of selling it?

(BTW: those willing to pay a little to help Lua please do not forget
John's lottery.)

-- Roberto