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Brad Olson wrote:
Martin, Is cheialib or any of these libraries available as a Windows DLL or exe? I can read C, but am not very savvy about compiling projects correctly. I'd like to test LuaCheia on a small project. I've downloaded the 4/20/2003 build from sourceforge, but it doesn't seem to include the fs libraries.
No, LuaCheia currently doesn't contain the fs functions. I'm planning on moving them to a module, butdon't hold your breath as LuaCheia currently doesn't need the fs-function internally. When I (or someone else) get to it, the fs-function will be bundled into a 'loadmodule' ready dll/so (see the wiki LuaBinaryModules page)
Sorry I can't be of more help currently, but my time is very thin...
I'm probably not much help on the C end of things, but I'd love to help LuaCheia by writing documentation when it gets to that.
Very welcome!please do join the LuaCheia mailing list (details on http://luacheia.lua-users.org)