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Eero Pajarre wrote:
> I wrote to this list related to these packages some time ago.
> At that time I ended up using wxwindows for two main reasons:
> The package had been updated more recently (2002 vs 2001)
> Wxwindows interface was under a license more suitable for me.
> (lua-fltk was/is under LGPL)
> Even though I at the moment use the wxwindows interface, I have
> reason to believe that FLTK might be better for my application.
> So I could volunteer to work with it. I would need to start
> from begining or request the current Lua-FLTK owner to release
> it under Lua/MIT license though.
>                 Eero

The authors have already agreed to a general exception that statically 
linked versions of FLTK don't make the wjhole program fall under the
Just take a look at the webpage. As for dynamic linking, the LGPL allows 
that already, even to proprietary programs.

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Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer