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Erik Hougaard wrote:
> Your are (maybe) missing my point, a message archive is not the
> way to present Lua to new users - that will scare people away
> compared to other languages. We need a nice indexed information
> source with code, ltn's articles, tips tricks ... The wiki is the right
> way to go (I have no idea about the technology behind wiki) from
> a information indexing perspective - but there can be only one and
> it has to be on

Some things to consider:

* Several robust wiki's are just a single cgi script.
* If there was a wiki at tecgraf /, the Lua authors would lose the
complete control they currently have over the site content.
* Lua users (even new ones) are not so dumb.  They didn't need a language
that indexes arrays from 1 instead of 0.  They probably won't have
difficulty following "links" from the Lua home page to find a listing of
valuable Lua resources.
* Lua is an embedded language, and so code is not generally portable.  This
limits the effectiveness of exchanging sample code.
