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--- Thomas Praxl <> wrote:
> First there will be a discussion board, pretty similar to this
> mailinglist, but with a structure which gives us a better overview
> about discussed topics.
> I also thought about tutorials and hints for newbies and advanced users
> (->But I would need your help for that, ´cause I´m pretty new to Lua),
> translations of the manual to other languages and links to other
> lua-pages, if any.

I recommend, instead of a discussion board, to set up a wiki server for the
Lua community.  Wiki is a system for HTML collaboration.  (There are dozens
of implementations to choose from, and it would be nice project for someone
to write an implementation in Lua.)  It allows anyone to edit any page on
the server, using an easier-than-HTML syntax.  It's more suited to
collecting knowledge in "book form" than having discussions, which should
remain on a mailing list or newsgroup.

Here are a few sites to look at.  It's overwhelming at first, but I've
found it to be an invaluable tool for allowing a group of people to
document what they know.



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