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Hi Andre,

   Could you make the updated source available? The current source 
   generates quite a few errors under MS Visual C++. 

   Also, would it be possible to clarify the copyright on luasock? The
   files that originated with Juergen Nickelsen reference a COPYRIGHT file
   that isn't in the distribution, and your modifications and additions
   don't mention what the copyright terms are.

Ken Rawlings (

>  I'm the one who created the Luasock lib, but my knowledge about socks
>  is nil. I did a Win32 version using the GCC for Win32 by Cygnus
>  ( It's free. Works so fine, but I can't join a library
>  generated by gcc-win with MS Visual C programs.
>  So I changed the code to use Winsock lib with Visual C, but it was not
>  tested enough.
>  Andre Derraik
> PS: Sorry by the english