Vis Lua Glossary

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This is a list of terms used in discussion of VisLua. Some may be vague, wrong, or require clarification. Please raise any issues on the VisLua mailing list [1].


To save your fingers ;-)


App or Application: the users application that is to be monitored. Includes a Lua VM and possibly multiple lua_State, as well as the C/C++ code that's being debugged. ie. the "program under test"

Debug Client is the code managing a debug session. This may have a UI, which the programmer interacts with directly. eg. command-line vs. different flavors of GUI. eg. The client may automatically get control when an error occurs in the application.

Debug Client Core. The part of the debug client that mediates between the debug server and the debug client UI.

Debug Client Core API. The interface between the debug client and the debug client core.

Debug Client UI. User interface for the debug client core. Talks to the debug client core to get info about the application, and presents the info to the user. Also manipulates the application via the client core.

Debug Link. The communication path between the debug server and the client core. Could consist of a TCP/IP connection(s), or some alternative channel. Conceptually consists of a two-way data stream, with a client/server protocol.

Debug Server is the part of the application which mediates between the application and the VisLua debugger program, or debug client. This may be code embedded in the application.

Debug Server Core API. The interface between the debug server core and the application.

Debug Session starts when the debug client gets control of the application.

Editor and Debugger Apparently the same as an IDE? suggestion: either start using the standard term IDE, or give a rationale for why an editor and debugger is not the same as an IDE.

VisLua. Project name. This is all of the elements of the project combined.

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Last edited November 30, 2004 11:32 am GMT (diff)