Common Gateway Interface

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Common Gateway Interface (CGI) related resources:

- [cgilua] - Long standing Kepler module. Does more than CGI (see comments in LunarCGI below)
- [LunarCGI] - A simpler CGI module. See differences from cgilua here [1].
- LuaList:2011-02/msg01335.html - self-contained CGI implementation used by Petite Abeille (also inspired LunarCGI [2])
- - the bare minimum necessary to do CGI, or maybe a little less. Versions for Lua 4.0 and 5.0 (older)
- CgiUtils - examples
- LuaList:2008-09/msg00368.html - comments on CGI in Lua

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Last edited July 4, 2011 9:16 pm GMT (diff)