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Attached is my approach (in Lua land, everyone creates his own batteries...)

Requires a C compiler.  Tested on macOS only....

Attachment: luacc.lua
Description: Binary data

Oh yes, and it can eat its own dogfood, too: 

$ lua luacc.lua -o luacc luacc.lua

- mb

> Am 21.07.2020 um 22:29 schrieb Jasper Klein <>:
> Hello,
> I would like to announce that I've released v1.0.1 of my project 'dogfood' [1].
> Dogfood is a srlua alternative for creating self running Lua programs.
> The main points where dogfood differs from srlua are;
> - One self containing executable.
> - Can embed multiple (non-binary) Lua modules in one executable.
> - No support for Lua 5.1 and older.
> The dogfood executable has two parts; the 'dog' part containing the interpreter and the 'food' part which is a Lua script that is executed by the 'dog' part.
> When creating a self running Lua program, the food part extracts the interpreter (the dog part) from itself and then glues your Lua modules against it.
> This tool owes its name because of the reuse of its interpreter for the resulting program.
> Building dogfood should be straightforward but requires boostrapping to join the dog and food parts. The provided makefile will do the bootstrap for you.
> However in case you have your own build environment, there are bootstrap shell scripts for Windows and Unix like systems as well.
> -- Jasper Klein
> [1]