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I think I get your point. The POC was reduced by creduce, and the original  poc can actually crash the default build lua on Linux. (not tested on windows and mac)



The original POC that can crash a default build lua ( just run make on Linux) is:

function errfunc() end function test()

    xpcall(test, coroutine.wrap(function() print(xpcall(test, errfunc)) end))

        end coroutine.wrap(function() print(xpcall(test, errfunc)) end)()


With the following poc, lua crashed with an invalid stack address.


> I am pretty sure you also didn't see any instruction about adding the

option -fsanitize=address to compile Lua.


Yeah, I modify the makefile to add this flag.


>. I suggested

debug.setcstacklimit as a quick fix without the need to recompile Lua.


Could you give some more detailed instruction about it? I couldn’t find how to do it in the readme in the official website of lua.





From: Roberto Ierusalimschy
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:51 AM
To: Lua mailing list
Subject: Re: Stack overflow in luaO_pushvfstring


>    This is tested on Ubuntu16.04. I built it with –fsanitize=address.


>    I didn’t see any instruction on how to add `debug.setcstacklimit`. It

>    seems that it is already set in luaconf.h.


I am pretty sure you also didn't see any instruction about adding the

option -fsanitize=address to compile Lua. With this option, the code

consumes more stack than usual, and therefore the stack limit must be

adapted accordingly.


If you prefer, you can do that in luaconf.h, too. I suggested

debug.setcstacklimit as a quick fix without the need to recompile Lua.


-- Roberto