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On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 3:51 PM Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
> > Is this just regarding reworking trap, or does it also apply to the
> > original race condition I reported and my globalhook fix for it?
> I am not sure what you are calling "original race condition". Is it a bug?
> -- Roberto

The documentation says that lua_sethook "can be called asynchronously
(e.g. during a signal)", but if it's called from a signal handler that
runs at just the "right" time (after a CallInfo gets created but
before it gets linked into L->ci), and the currently running Lua code
happens to be the "right" kind of infinite loop, then the hook
function will never get called. As such, I'd consider it a bug,
especially since you could rely on this working right in Lua 5.3.

Joseph C. Sible