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On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:26 AM Viacheslav Usov <> wrote:
> As I said, I am not so familiar with the details as you are, however,
> I did not say "just replace an existing check of L->hookmask". I said
> "the code that currently checks for any hooks, should check
> G(L)->hookmask", i.e., the idea is that all the checking for hooks
> should be done by a single check of G(L)->hookmask, which should hold
> the effective hook mask and be updated at the appropriate times, such
> as Lua thread switches, and possibly ci->u.l.trap (not really sure
> what this is).
> Cheers,
> V.

I'm not sure of a good way do that. Only two ideas come to mind
(either adding a new check without being able to remove any existing
ones, or rolling back the change that added ci->u.l.trap), and both of
them seem like they'd make it less efficient rather than making it
more efficient.

Joseph C. Sible