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On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 at 21:59, Patrick Donnelly <> wrote:
=> > 2) With regards to the 'toclose' variable declaration, introducing a
> > 'with' statement is the nicest approach.
> >
> > with <vars> = <initializers> do
> >
> > end
> >
> > This idiom is familiar to most programmers who use Python.
> > BTW @Patrick Donnelly this has nothing to do with Python's reasons for it etc.
> Quoting myself from the prior thread:
> "I want to point out the reasons why Python requires a control
> structure but Lua would not: Python's locals are function-scoped.
> Declaring a local in Python means it doesn't go out of scope until the
> function returns. For this reason, Python requires an explicit control
> structure to define the lifetime of the variable. Lua does not have
> this limitation."
> They absolutely needed another control structure to implement their
> flavor of RAII.

And I repeat that the suggestion to use this syntax doesn't have
anything to do with why Python had to have it. It is a nice idiom used
in many languages. C# calls it 'using'. In Java we have try with
resources. But all are the same construct.
