Okay, I realize Lua has GC, so it's not a leak per se, but I am somehow
keeping references to data somewhere, and I can't seem to track them down.
The last time I encountered this issue, I was able to study the code and
through deductive reasoning, found the issue [1].
But this time, not so much. In general, how do others track down "lost"
references? I just can't seem to locate it this time.
In specific, the code (which I can't post sadly, because it's at work)
uses Lua 5.1 and is very simple. It uses my network driver [2] which is
used in another project [3] which doesn't have the issue. The major
difference between the two is that the "leaky" code uses TCP [4] in addition
to UDP.
The program just accepts a packet via UDP (no response required---it's a
"fire-and-forget" type situation). It then unpacks the data (which comes in
as CBOR), re-codes it as JSON, then then POSTs the data to an HTTP endpoint
elsewhere on the local network. And *that's it!* That's what makes this so
maddening---it's so simple there's not obvious place for references to
accumulate, or at least, none that I can see, which is why I'm asking for
-spc (Off to stare at code ... )
[1] "Oh, if the coroutine crashes *here,* I still have a strong
*reference to it there* ... "
[2] https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/lua/nfl.lua
It's an event loop that waits for activity from a set of file
descriptors (usually network connections) and when packets come in,
runs a function specific to the file descriptor which can schedule a
coroutine to run to handle any processing.
[3] Mainly, code that processes something like 60,000,000 SIP messages
per day, but they're all delivered via UDP.
[4] https://github.com/spc476/lua-conmanorg/blob/master/lua/nfl/tcp.lua
which uses
to mimic the Lua file:read() API.