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  I suppose if Egor Skriptunoff can do "Nitpicking on Wednesdays", others
can as well, so here are two small nitpicks I have about Lua:

1) The constant LUA_BUFFERSIZE is not available in Lua.  There should be a
constant, io.BUFFERSIZE, defined to be this value.  There are instances
where this would be nice to have.

2) There is os.setlocale(), but not os.localeconv().  It would not be hard
to write, and it should return a table formatted (at least) like:

[spc]lucy:/tmp>lua xx.lua se_NO.UTF-8
locale =
  thousands_sep = ".",
  n_cs_precedes = true,
  frac_digits = 2,000000,
  current_symbol = " ru",
  int_curr_symbol = "NOK ",
  mon_thousands_sep = ".",
  mon_grouping =
    [1] = 3,000000,
    _isrepeating = true,
  int_frac_digits = 2,000000,
  negative_sign = "-",
  mon_decimal_point = ",",
  decimal_point = ",",
  n_sign_posn = 4,000000,
  grouping =
    [1] = 3,000000,
    [2] = 3,000000,
    _isrepeating = true,
  p_sign_posn = 4,000000,
  n_sep_by_space = false,
  p_sep_by_space = false,
  positive_sign = "",
  p_cs_precedes = true,
