Yes, that's exactly what I understood: you have a variable/conditional "path" to the property of object "a" that interest you, and then "d()" is a method on that property that must be used where you want to it to act on the object "a".
My approach in pure Lua, using a closure to enclose the value of "a", plus a function in Lua to build an intermediate object should work for your case even if you modified it:
a:[test and 'b' or 'c'].d("additional parameters:", {12, 34}, 'sample')
which is also writable in Lua as:
local __o__ = a;
return function(...)
return (__o__[test and 'b' or 'c']).d(__o__, ...)
end)(d,"additional parameters:", {12, 34}, 'sample')
See how I added also the other parameters (which are passed to the internal function here using a vararg, but the vararg is not mandatory).
The typical usage would be to create dynamic properties in a OOP language with facets:
value = (some _expression_ selecting an object):[some _expression_ computing a property name].get();
(some _expression_ selecting an object):[some _expression_ selecting a property name in the object].set(value);
which can be written as:
value = (function(o)
local __o___ = o;
return function() return __o__.get(__o__[some _expression_ selecting a property name in the object]) end
end)(get, some _expression_ selecting an object);
(function(o, v)
local __o___ = o;
return function() return __o__.set(__o__[some _expression_ selecting a property name in the object]) end
end)(some _expression_ selecting an object, value);
There's many variants possible depending on which part is variable or not or dependant on the object that the "apparently simple" syntax
does not disambiguate clearly. And this would be even worse if we allowed this:
which could be understood differently as any one of:
depending on associativity, and which object must be passed to the final dynamic method named "d" here.