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On Jun 7, 2018, at 2:43 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:

In view of the recurrent posts on floating-point issues, I pass on an
announcement from this week's NA Digest:

2nd edition of "Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic" (Birkhauser,
2018), Authors: Muller, Brunie, de Dinechin, Jeannerod, Joldes,
Lefevre, Melquiond, Revol, and Torres.

Thanks for your last post on floating-point issue.

Yes, unspecified rounding is worse than extended precision rounding.
I keep saying "just pick one", but the Windows example probably kill it.

One of the author you mentioned, Vincent Lefèvre, also wrote
an article on issues with extended precision rounding [1]

Lefèvre is also a main developer in MPFR, an arbitrary precision C library 
that that do correct rounding in arbitrary bits. [2]
