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On Tue Mar 13 2018, Andrew Starks wrote:
> Who has the passion to get this done? Who wants to say, “I’m probably
> not the smartest most capable person to do this, but maybe this is
> what life has asked of me now...”

I'd apply for that job. If there actually was compensation.

We have people making amazing contributions to the Lua ecosystem, but
mostly as collateral output to their regular work, or as a labor of
love. There is perennial interest in a batteries solution, but so far,
no one has been able to make this part of their regular work, or been
interested in taking it on as a labor of love.

I don't think there's a shortage of people who have the passion to get
this done, just of people who could take this on without some form of
tangible support.

So how could we create that "evangelist with resources" or that
"organization ... funded in some small way"? Set up a Patreon
or Kickstarter Drip, with lunar lobster plushies as premiums for the
early subscribers?

No, seriously: how many of you would either be willing to contribute as
individuals, or could get your company to contribute, monetary support
to an organization such as Andrew or Etiene described?
