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2018-03-11 3:42 GMT+02:00 Dibyendu Majumdar <>:

> On the other hand, I think this model is harmful for the 'batteries'
> part - which could easily be improved by allowing external
> contributors.

I use Roberto's LPeg and several of Luiz's modules: complex numbers,
C99 math, XML parsing etc. They are of comparable quality to Lua
itself and stay abreast of new releases, but they give a glimpse of
what Lua might have been like if developed by only that person ­— and
I wonder if Waldemar's unheralded role might not be to mediate between
two extremes.

The key is: "of comparable quality to Lua itself ".

We have two main battery providers: stdlib and penlight, and one
battery compiler: luarocks. Will lovers of the first two please stand
up to be counted? I use a dozen or so offerings from the third, but
with caution: there are often several different offerings for the same
task, and they come without quality certificates.