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Maybe trying to target functionality coverage with libs or which libs are most used by the bigger lua projects would be the way to go. 

PS: 30log is quite nice for OO;
PSS: I would give preference for smaller libs that do "just enough", instead of bigger "all-in-one" solutions;
PSSS: Maybe battling libs against one another, pros vs cons, would be nice; issues for each, maybe?
PSSSS: Would native lua libs have preference?
PSSSSS: Too many PS so far, cheers!

Em 29 de jan de 2018 8:40 AM, "steve donovan" <> escreveu:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 1:04 PM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
>   There is, however, large overlap between luafilesystem, luaposix and
> luasocket.  luaposix contains a socket implementation in addition to file
> system calls.  luasocket and luafilesystem are less ... POSIXy than
> luaposix and pretty much just cover the basics in their respective areas (I
> think luaposix has more filesystem calls than luafilesystem and more socket
> related calls than luasocket).

This is the well-known curse of portability ;)