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-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Papadimitriou

>In other words, I prefer this:

>function xxx(n)
>  for i = 1, n do yield i*i end
>to this:
>function xxx(n)
>  return coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1, n do coroutine.yield(i*i) end

>Now, if the latter is more appealing to you, good for you.
>"In matters of taste, there can be no disputes."

>>Francisco Olarte.

>Tony P.


I have an oop lib of pure Lua, it use the objects as environment, and with a special attribute system(like the decorator in Python, but a little complex) can provide such “syntax sugar” like


    require "PLoop"


    _ENV = Module "Test" "v1.0"  -- Create a module object as environment


    import "System.Threading"


    __Iterator__()   -- Wrap the next function as iterator runs as coroutine

    function iter(i, j, step)

        for k = i, j, step or 1 do

            coroutine.yield(k, k^2)




-- Use it like pairs, the coroutine is generated by a pool

-- and will be recycled automatically

    for k, v in iter (1, 10, 1) do

        print(k, v)


The trick is very simple, the environment is controlled by the module object, so it know when a new function is defined and registered attribute can be used on it, no doubt you can create your own version.