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It was thus said that the Great Pierre Chapuis once stated:
> > Is there a list of the best essential libraries for Lua?
> > I want to bundle a small set of high quality
> > libraries that I will test with Ravi, rather than a huge set of
> > untested libraries of varying quality.
> >From the end of 2013 to the end of 2016 I was running a website
> called Lua Toolbox where community members could endorse
> the modules they used. The website has been merged into
> the main LuaRocks website and sadly this feature has been lost
> in the process, but the top 5 modules at the time were:
> - luafilesystem
> - luasocket
> - lpeg
> - luarocks
> - luaposix

  There is, however, large overlap between luafilesystem, luaposix and
luasocket.  luaposix contains a socket implementation in addition to file
system calls.  luasocket and luafilesystem are less ... POSIXy than
luaposix and pretty much just cover the basics in their respective areas (I
think luaposix has more filesystem calls than luafilesystem and more socket
related calls than luasocket).

  And um ... who maintains ULua? [1]  They also provide Lua modules for Linux,
Mac and Windows.

