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On 28 January 2018 at 01:06, Paige DePol <> wrote:
> One of my goals with Lua++ is to allow fully backwards compatible parsing
> of Lua code, which will be placed fully in a namespace. If the backwards
> compatibility is not necessary then it can be compiled without that support,
> much as Lua does for it's own compatibility. Other than adding new features
> to the language I have tried to keep the existing syntax as compatible as
> possible, however, my parser will have two modes available when parsing
> source code; Lua mode and Lua++ mode as there are some syntax differences.

I think it is very hard to get traction on any new language ... there
have been several clones of Lua; not sure any of them succeeded. Even
though Ravi is a superset of Lua 5.3, and adds a JIT, I am not sure
anyone is using it - and that is after 2 years of development. I have
watched some languages try for 10 years or more to establish
themselves but they are still struggling. My advice would be to
maintain 100% compatible with Lua - at least that way users who
currently use Lua can try out your language without having to rewrite
/ change their existing code.

Good luck!
