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On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:17 AM, nobody <> wrote:
> On 2018-01-26 08:16, Russell Haley wrote:
>> Is it possible to open a shell in a coroutine and just interact with
>> it when I need it?
>> So in a coroutine, I would just open it and then read and write then
>> yield?
> As Dirk wrote, `io.popen` is read XOR write.
> If you're on some unix-y system & depending on what you're doing,
> lpty[1] might work for you.
> There may be "simpler"[2] ways to do that, but so far, for me, this was
> the "simplest"[3] way to get non-blocking bidirectional communication going.
> -- nobody

Thanks, Dirk, Nobody. This was the answer I expected. The answer from
Josh is what I was hoping for. :)

> [1]
>     (also via `luarocks install lpty`)
> [2] as in "not grabbing a PTY yadda yadda"
> [3] as in "least amount of thinking/code & sufficiently portable (*nix)"