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On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 8:45 AM, Russell Haley <> wrote:

>  Which, if I am reading it correctly, is saying that to succesful build a DLL in Visual Studio I would either need to mark up the entire Lua API in the header files with
> __declspec( dllimport ) void _lua_func_here(...);

Which is already done through the LUA_API prefix, if LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL is defined. See luaconf.h.

You might also want to check out vcpkg: If nothing else, its Lua port might be instructive.

>  OR Every application (C++ only?) that is built under vs needs to be patched to use
> extern "C" { #include "MyCHeader.h" }

You are confused here. This is not specific to MSVC and is indeed something that needs to be done when C++ code interfaces with C code.
