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Dibyendu Majumdar <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 1 January 2018 at 21:46, Paige DePol <> wrote:
>> Where are you finding information about Lua 5.4? I checked the Lua website
>> (under the /work/ directory) and did not see anything about a 5.4 version.
>> I also checked GitHub but that seems to be Lua 5.3.4 still, well at least it
>> is according to the macros in lua.h at any rate... is the GitHub repository
>> actually being updated without changing the Lua version?
> Changes are in github repository - I think version will get updated
> prior to release. I am guessing this will be 5.4 seeing as it has the
> generational GC.
> Regards
> Dibyendu

Yes, it does look like GitHub has more up-to-date code than the last official
release of Lua. Not sure why I didn't notice this before... especially as the
commit comments definitely indicate changes... so I do apologise for the noise.

I did not realise that GitHub was updated with developmental Lua code, so that
is a nice discovery for the new year. Is there any expected timeline for the
first release candidate version of Lua 5.4?

The last update to GitHub was July 9th... I am going to guess that there are
probably some significant changes from the code currently on GitHub then!
