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On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:32 AM, Sol Salpagarov <> wrote:
>> That's a significant problem. Is your new content in Russian?
> Yes.
>> The men that invented Lua are educators.
> Me too. And I realize all benefits from free materials like
> At least, existence - free and legal.
>> Arrogance is insisting they should give you the fruits of their labor for free.
> Saying "Arrogance" I mean YOUR message about $40.
> I respect the authors' work and I have hard copy PIL3 (in Russian),
> but fucking copyrights creates many problems with translation and
> publication more actual data.

Instead of arguing I shall simply lament ever hearing the name Ted
Nelson a few weeks ago. I no longer seem to have the will to fight
over the pithy things we call technology (but strangely my anger is

His point is directly relevant to this discussion. Imagine if you
could link to the expert article (which could be paid for by the
character) and then layer your further (expert) information over top.
Imagine where each version is intrinsically linked. You could simply
fly through the versions and see where the interface changed. If the
publishing he envisions were possible our conversations would be much
different. BUT, all the content would be paid for. (that's a good
thing IMHO)
