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There were some guys, including me, adding some docs at the StackOverflow docs.
Sadly, the project was "dismantled".  Also, there similar initiative in DuckDuckGo instant answers.

On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Ryan Ford <> wrote:
Just going to throw this out there, but has lua 5.1-5.3 and is a very handy resource. Saves your selected docs in the browsers local storage do you can use it offline. Also have love, the nginx lua mod docs if you're into those things as well. Really great resource.
Sent from my Android phone with Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
On 12/16/2017, 8:45 AM Matthew Frederico <> wrote:
Lua is a fantastic language.  I've been enjoying getting to know it .. I'm still not quite on par with my lua skills as I am in PHP - however - I am endeavoring to do so.

The documentation is something that makes it difficult to manage - and learning php was easy due to how their documentation / website was set up..  

So, I created  to help me learn lua  better.   I based it on the design, so you can do and it should pull up the ipairs docs.

Right now it is using the 5.1 english manual from, but I plan to start adding the other languages as I go along.  Also, it is currently written in PHP .. don't be angry.

I would appreciate any feedback!

Warmest Regards,

-`;'- Matthew Frederico