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It was thus said that the Great Coda Highland once stated:
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 1:41 AM, Paige DePol <> wrote:
> > Back in the day, I got a nice 24-pin dot matrix printer. It printed like
> > nothing else I had seen before, such well defined characters.
> >
> > I decided that since it was capable of doing graphics I wrote a program
> > that converted source code into the appropriate graphics so when I printed
> > source code it would look on the page exactly the same as on my screen,
> > special characters, inverted video, everything.
> >
> > I have always been a bit of a night-owl, so when I wrote that program and
> > decided to test it by printing out a bunch of source code... well lets just
> > say that a 24-pin dot matrix printer, printing two source lines at a time in
> > bi-directional quality mode, was not exactly quiet.
> >
> > I was no longer allowed to print things at 3am after that! ;)

  I was 19, 20 when I worked at the data processing center for a large
grocery chain, and I remember the sound of the band printer---CHUNK CHUNK
CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK ... with the greenbar paper flying out the top
like a geyser.

  I also have a daisy wheel printer (that I haven't used in twenty-five
years).  That thing sounded like a machine gun when it got going ... 

  -spc (Who only uses a printer once a year now ... [2])

[1]	A large metal band with letters embossed on it.  It would spin at
	something like a thousand revolutions a second, and when the letters
	were properly, a hammer would strike out and slam the band (at
	multiple locations---any place where the proper letter was lined up)
	against the paper.

	It could spit out a line as fast as most other printers could spit
	out a character.

[2]	To print out the 1040 US Tax form.