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On 28 November 2017 at 20:44, Jay Carlson <> wrote:
> On 2017-11-28 Tue, at 15:20, Dibyendu Majumdar <> wrote:
>> I consider an implementation of Lua a 'fork' if it doesn't pass the
>> Lua test suite. Otherwise it is another implementation of Lua, derived
>> or independent.
>> By this standard both Ravi and LuaJIT are forks.
> The test suite is the definition of the language, then. What happens when somebody forks the test suite? 1/2 :-)

Doesn't matter really as the test is always against the official test
suite. Although Roberto doesn't categorise the test suite as a
conformance test.

> Is Lua 5.2 a fork of Lua 5.1?

In my view, yes.
