It was thus said that the Great José María Martínez García once stated:
Ok Pierre.
I installed :
1) Lua (last version) from scratch (compiling and installing)
2) Luarocks (last version) from scratch (compiling and installing)
3) realine-devel from dnf pakage manager (Fedora 25)
4) From luarocks i installed rs232
All of them with no errors.
Now i'm trying to use rs232 library.
This is my program:
local rs232 = require "rs232"
local p, e = rs232.port('ttyUSB0',{
baud = '_57600';
data_bits = '_8';
parity = 'NONE';
stop_bits = '_1';
flow_control = 'OFF';
rts = 'ON';
Try printing both p and e at this point.