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On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 08:12:39PM +1100, Daurnimator wrote:
> On 19 February 2017 at 20:09, Daurnimator <> wrote:
> > On 19 February 2017 at 18:06, Daurnimator <> wrote:
> >> e.g. a module that registers a metatable with `luaL_setmetatable`
> >> inside of it's `luaopen_` function.
> >
> > Oops, I meant luaL_newmetatable here.
> And now reading the docs
> ( I
> noticed that luaL_newmetatable *doesn't* do anything if the key
> already exists.
> This is slightly better for the reloading situation: it means that
> things won't break as I mentioned earlier with luaL_checkudata.

IIRC, the problem with cqueues that you ran into before was that some
cqueues Lua script modules interpose C-based methods to provide enhanced
behavior (particularly yielding for Lua 5.1). That interposition caused
headaches when reloading because when the metatable already existed the
internal routine short-circuited. The cqueues' metatable loading code did

  if (luaL_newmetatable()) {

instead of


However, the Lua script-based code unconditionally interposed methods,

  local _accept; _accept = socket.interpose("accept", function ()

On every reload (which in your case was part of some testing framework,
IIRC) the interposition stack kept growing, sometimes resulting in odd or
broken behavior. (No infinite loops; I think side effects sometimes

The short-term fix was to unconditionally reload C routines into metatables
in the C code, just as the related Lua code unconditionally interposed
methods. Long-term fix requires, IMO, rethinking some ancillary issues, not
just namespacing and interposition.

The reason I originally short-circuited was because of metatable
cross-dependencies. Particularly for the optimization of caching a metatable
as an upvalue, a submodule might need to initialize the metatable for a
related submodule at load-time. Rather than loading the submodule outright,
which is awkard from C (especially before Lua 5.2's luaL_requiref, but also
if require is overloaded to do network I/O or otherwise yield), I just
called the internal C routine that specifically loaded the particular
metatable. That routine, which might be invoked indirectly many times, was
written to be a noop after the first invocation. The design of
luaL_newmetatable seems to have contemplated this conditional behavior.

Side note on reloading: I originally wrote cqueues modules to be able to
reload themselves without having access to the original .lua file.

  -- foo.lua
  local loader = function(loader, ...)
    local foo = {} -- foo module
    foo.loader = loader
    return foo
  return loader(loader, ...)

I did this so that if an application wanted to create new Lua VMs after
sandboxing itself (e.g. after entering a chroot jail), then foo.loader could
be serialized and copied into the new VM.

  local loader_s = string.dump(foo.loader)
  ... -- create new Lua VM and copy serialized code
  local loader_f = loadstring(loader_s)
  package.loaded["foo"] = loader_f(loader_f, "foo")

C-based modules would already be available inside the sandbox as POSIX
requires that implememtations cache and index shared libraries by file path,
and the implementations I tested didn't care whether the file remained
accessible or not.

The benefit of this approach was that it worked without relying on or
modifying the application environment; it's entirely self-contained. The
disadvantage is that it's confusing and only works for modules that follow
the pattern--i.e. basically only internal modules.