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2017-02-02 9:36 GMT+02:00 Lorenzo Donati <>:

> Since no one has complained yet, I don't know if there's something
> wrong with my mail client, but it appears you hijacked this thread.
> If this is the case, please, don't do it, i.e. don't reply to a mailing list
> message and change its subject.

To my mind, one hijacks a thread when one replies to a message
and fails to change the subject. For example, you just hijacked the
code formatter thread by digressing into a discussion on thread
hijacking, and I am making it worse by responding to it.

GMail by default starts a new thread if the subject is different. There
probabaly is nothing *wrong* with your mail client, but you might
just check whether it has a user-selectable option that controls
how it presents threads.