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So here's a next step towards Lua in Android:

I can now add Lua to an Android project in Android Studio and also
provide almost all of our modules that are written in C to it,  that
includes stuff like protocols for credit card terminals and such.  I am
currently trying to port openssl, cURL, and, libpq to Android, to make
things complete.  Lua itself and the modules are shared libraries, only
loaded when 'require'd.

Since an Android program is inevitably started by calling some piece of
Java software, I wrote a Java native library wich provides the Lua API
to Java.  That way I can use the Lua API directly from Java and it
becomes super easy to orchestrate Lua from a Java application.

The next step will likely be a Lua module that provides a JNI binding,
so that calling Java code from Lua becomes easy as well.