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Hello List!

I would like to announce a new  beta release of OMM[1].

While working with omm, i felt, the implemented toolchains are usefull, easy
to use, but too specialiced for non standard tasks. Therefore i implemented a
very native rule tool to define any rules able to execute any command line.
In addition you can use lua functions instead of external programs. A bin2c
rule and a luastrip rule are implemented this way in the examples and used in
the iuplua sample makefile to avoid dealing with tecmake on windows. iuplua's
lua scrips become stripped to reduce the size of the resulting module file.

You may store any makefile content in include files. I used this to define
bin2c rules and lstrip rules and include them as nessesary. The calling
makefiles looks much cleaner this way.

Include files are searched in the main makefile folder, omm's program folder
and in lua's package.path.

Any critics, wishes, bug reports, ... are welcome.

Ulrich Schmidt.
